Engagement Rings Newton Mearns - Bercotts Diamonds

It’s times like these when you are reminded that there is nothing more important than your loved ones. Pubs, nightclubs and restaurants are on pause; but now is the perfect time to reflect on our relationships. While we’re not suggesting that you immediately get engaged during this period of chaos, it’s impossible to not acknowledge that being in close proximity with your partner can ‘seal the deal,’ so to speak. Maybe you were already planning on proposing to your partner, regardless, and are worried that this now puts a wrench in your plans. We’re here to help. Bercotts sell a range of stunning engagement rings in Newton Mearns; both in-store and online. If you have a look on our website, you will see a range of gorgeous engagement and wedding rings. You’ll be able to convey just how much your partner means to you.

Throughout history, couples have used rings as a physical symbol of their relationship. For example, the Egyptians used bands made of braided strands of reed and hemp. They are placed on the ring finger of the left hand, even to this day, because of traditions and thoughts from this era. It was believed that this particular finger contained a vein that directly led to the heart. While we now know this is to be inaccurate (as all fingers have a similar internal structure), the romance of this gesture nonetheless still applies. By proposing to your partner with one of our engagement rings in Newton Mearns, you are taking part in a tradition that goes back thousands of years.

Just because the tradition is plucked from history, that doesn’t mean you have to get your partner a hemp ring. In modernity, we have a range of rings available so that each couple can purchase a ring that is a better reflection of themselves and their relationship (we’re sure you could find a hemp ring if that’s what you’re into). For example, if you have a look on our website, you will see a range of gorgeous engagement rings with various colours, settings and stones. Our speciality is the classic diamond engagement ring, but we also offer a range of alternatives for those couples who want something unique.

Maybe you don’t want one of our premade engagement rings in Newton Mearns. Maybe you’re after something special and that no other has. If you want to give your partner a truly spectacular proposal, one of our bespoke engagement rings may be the way to go. Our team will guide you through the process of selecting materials and styles for a ring so that it fits your budget and tastes. We will then produce a CAD model for you to approve before crafting your unique piece. If this is a service you feel you would be interested in, please be sure to get in contact. We will be able to set up an appointment for you to get the process started.

We’ll admit that 2020 has been a little chaotic, but at least we have our partners and loved ones to get us through. Our engagement rings in Newton Mearns can help you make for a better rest of the year. If you have any questions about our products or bespoke services, make sure to get in contact. We’re happy to help.

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